


Riennä jo rimakauhu helvettiin

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i hate youKeskiviikko 27.10.2010 23:58

sometimes i think to myself
how did i love you so much
and end up hating you this much

how could you just lie lie right to my face
when i could see it all along cause you left a trace
i didn't think that someone else can take my place
now i can't stand the memories of wanting to be grace
do me a favor throw all the presents away
you talk bullshit i don't care what you gotta say
the sun was shining but now it's raining today
i gotta get this outta my head but its on reply

how could you ever do this to me
tell me that you love me and then you go and use me
scars are left from the cuts so deeply
im sorry but i hate you

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