
[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 08.01.2007 22:46

My eyes are ready,
They're focusing on you
I'm watching every move and all you do
I see you everywhere,
I'm here and now I'm there
Nowhere you can hide, you're still in view

And when the shutter's open,
Images on my screen,
Sent to the people waiting,
People you've never seen, 'cause

I am a camera,
Looking at pictures of you
I am a camera
Now you see me, now you don't

I'm always working,
At night and in the day
I'm your security, that's what they say
And if you think you're free,
Then turn your back on me
I'll catch you as you look the other way

And when the shutter's open,
Images on my screen,
Sent to the people waiting,
People you've never seen, 'cause

I am a camera,
Looking at pictures of you
I am a camera
Now you see me, now you don't

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