
[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 14.04.2008 01:17

haha yesterdays 'dinner' was maybe one of the most difficult ones ever.

about 11:40pm, driving on freeway somewhere nearby portland, oregon.

dad: there's a taco bell, why wouldnt we just eat there.

everyone agrees

we take the exit -- no taco bell around
we pull back on freeway. drive like 15 min, next taco bell sign, we take the exit and find the taco bell, it was next to burger king, where we ate earlier that day.

we tried to go in, well it had closed at 10pm, only drive thru was open.
we use the drive trough then. in front of us, white truck, who is supersuper slow.
finally we get to the spot where we give our orders.

tb cashier: good evening what can i get for you tonight ?
aunt dc: i would like to have a chocolate milkshake
taylor: tb doesnt have milkshakes.
dc: aah, okay i have to think something else then.
dad to cashier: lets start with 3 chili-cheese burritos
cashier: sorry we dont make them at night.
dad: aargh. well lets think about something else then. can i have a coffee and..
cashier: sorry we dont have coffee.
dc: lets go to burger king !
dad to cashier: okay then nevermind.
cashier: are you sure your not getting anything?
dad: yes !

we have to follow the line, cause there are a couple of cars benind us so we cant back up. and the slow truck in front of us. after waiting.. waiting. then we get out of the line, and pull in to burger king's. taylor goes and checks - yep, only drive thru.

bk cashier: hello what can i get for you guys ?
dad: okay so two number 7s with chocolate milkshakes.
cashier: sorry our milkshake machine broke, so we dont have milkshakes tonight.
dad: aargh, well guys thinkabout something else to drink then. (to cashier:) so then one no. 6 with lemonade
cashier: sorry we dont have lemonade.
dad: are you kidding me ??
dc to cashier: so the most important; do you have coffee ?
cashier: yes we do. ..oh wait sorry no, we just ran out of it... JUST KIDDING ! yes, we have coffee.
everyone: hahaha that was good, you dont know how difficult this has alredy been !

-after that we got wht we wanted, and everyone was mostly happy. hah. never had this much difficulties while eating in fastfood places !!!!

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