


oletko nähnyt kumiankkaani?

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[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 26.12.2008 12:23

Cut it out of my mouth
Put my tongue on a pole
I won't sing anymore
I'm losing control

Cut my tears of the sound
The erosion of my soul
I won't sing any more

I'm creeping my way out so you can see me
I'm crawling my way around 1000 cities
You all stop and stare, I don't need your pity
I'm living my life in this hell

Just a little more, come on and satisfy me
Just a little more, come on and terrify me
Just a little more and I'll be done with it
Take my life and then I'll feel okay

Just a little more, come on and satisfy me
Just a little more, come on and terrify
Just a little more and I'll be done with it
Take my life and then I'll feel
Take my life and then I'll feel
Take my life and then I'll feel okay

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