


Part of me is fighting this but part of me is gone

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 07.02.2011 17:26

So this one's dedicated to them girls
That let us flop around on top of them
If you're near or far, whether short or tall
We wanna thank you all for lettin' us fuck you

She kept looking at her watch
-Doesn't matter, had sex
But I cried the whole time
-Doesn't matter, had sex
I think she might have been a racist
-Doesn't matter, had sex
She put a bag on my head
-Still counts

If you want to be my boy
Lick my pussy for my joy
Lick it up, lick it down
Lick my pussy all around
Here I am, I'm your girl
Do me right, be my man
Fuck me hard, fuck me well
I'll be nice, I'm your girl

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