


tyhmä kebab

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pöllin tän yhestä journalista. Jos ette oo ennen lukenu niin lukekaa nyt!

"The following is a real e-mail and photo I received from a Finnish mate (with exceptional English skills) in summer 2004. Who says Finns aren't funny?!:

"With all the news on TV lately about the extreme weather conditions affecting the East Coast of the US, the mud slides in the Middle East and South America, the flood that made its mark on Southern England, along with the dire predictions made by such films as The Day After Tomorrow, we shouldn't forget that Finland has its share of devastating weather too.

I've attached a photo illustrating the damage caused to my home from a storm that passed through South-Western Finland last week. It really makes you cherish what you have, and reminds us not to take things for granted!" "

Look at the picture -->> <<---

EDIT:// opi Norjan karttaa -> Tuo seksikäs pukeutuminenkin. <3 X D

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