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FUCKING BAD DAYKeskiviikko 16.12.2009 13:31

Life can be a blessing
Life can be a curse
It could always be better
It could sometimes be worse
It might be raining
Or something like that
It's a fuckin bad day
To be wearing this hat

I went to the table to throw my chips down
I watched the wheel turning round and around
While it was still spinning
I knew I would lose
It's a fuckin bad day
To be wearing these shoes

I went to the church to get down on my knees
All that I found there was a postcard of Jesus
A cross and some candles
And a bunch of dried flowers
It's a fuckin bad day
To be wearing these trousers

We might be in heaven
We might be in hell
We may be in purgatory
How wouod I tell?
It would have been better
If I'd stayed in bed
It's a fuckin bad day
To be stuck in my head
It's a fuckin bad day
To be stuck in my head

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