


Sleep well with your bad decisions

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[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 11.07.2007 02:48


Take this love, my dear, and cherish it in your heart
You shall have no fearÂ…
Nothing could tear us apart

Accept this love sincere, from the bottom of my heart
for now our time is hereÂ…
and love shall heal the scars

Now twilight hides the clear, and haunts the day away
We cross the last frontier,
and it sets our hearts ablaze

The Waves lie still and gleaming on Our Sea
…and we´re drifting down the stream…

Let´s drown ourselves in this love
my darling, my only one
Let´s give our lives for this love we are in
- make it foreverÂ…

Let me dry your tears
and hold you in embrace
Until we disappear in the crimson haze

The Flames rise still so freezing on Our Sea
…and we´re drifting down the stream…

Let´s drown ourselves in this love
my darling, my only one
Let´s give our lives for this love we are in
(we´ll) do it together…

"Â…and we take our dive into the waters of eternityÂ…
Â…here all pain has died and the only ones are you and meÂ…"

The Haze lies still and bleeding on Our Sea
…and we´re drifting down the stream…
(-to eternity!)

Let´s drown ourselves in this love
my darling, my only one
(Let´s) set sacrifices for this love we are in
- make it foreverÂ…
Let´s drown ourselves in this love
Let´s give our lives for this love we are in
(we´ll) do it together…

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