


Kommenttia! // 31'07'12 ♥ Yours forever.

~Keskiviikko 13.03.2013 00:21

The walls you've built
They bend, not break
I'm not the same
And the time I have
It's yours to take
For what it's worth you're worth it all

My arms are always open, my dear, I'm here..
Your hand will always fit in mine, dear

You will never be alone
As long as I am alive
You will never be alone
I'll stand the test of time

For heaven's sake
I cannot fake
I'll always care
I fall in, fall out
Mess up, break down
But keep a smile
Cause I'm still here

Please believe in me
Cause I don't believe in anyone but you
I'll give you something to hold on to

And I will forever stand so strong for you
I'm yours, as long as I am alive

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