


it's getting better in the worst way.

.Perjantai 18.06.2010 03:56

Standing over the edge, your hips fit perfectly in his hands. ItÂ’s a long way down from here, you canÂ’t look. You can feel his steady heart beating against your back; your own pulse pushes against the steel rails that you just canÂ’t let go of.

“Open your eyes.” He whispers in your ear. “Fall.”

You swallow hard. Who do you trust more, him or yourself? “You jump, I jump, right?”

His hands slide down a bit further along your sides and your toes curl over the edge. You try to say something but the words just donÂ’t want to come out. His chin rests gently on your shoulder and you feel his hot breath against your neck.

“We’ll always be together.” He says, “You are my soul.”

He takes hold of your hands and you let go, letting his thumbs sit snugly in your palms as he stretches out your arms, moving his head for just a moment to place a tender kiss on the back of your neck.

A tear falls and you bite your lip. Be strong, be strong.

You can feel his smile shining behind you and it gives you one last gleam of hope.

He comes closer to your ear again, “You’re free now. Go.”

ThereÂ’s no turning back.

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