


all you need is love

not thisMaanantai 07.08.2006 22:49

you can't do this to me
i told you im gonna do what you want me to do
but dont make me do this
no i just cant do this
anything else but not this not this not this
i just dont want to
but still... i promised you
i would go and do and take my cross and walk with you

i asked you to do something
make a miracle
turn the winter into paradise
melt away
the snow that covers my hear
it makes me cold

and you heard me
and you opened my eyes
but never had i imagined it would be this hard
i know i will stand
from summer to fall
all im asking you is to guard my soul make me whole
help me to understand
show me the way
ill go and do and take your hand and walk with you

i know i will stand
from summer to fall
all im asking you is to guard my soul make me whole
help me to understand
(your ways Lord)


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