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OMEGLE.Keskiviikko 15.04.2009 19:48

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hi!
Stranger: you were supposed to say hi!
You: well,sorry
You: :(
You: let me correct my mistake
You: hi !
Stranger: fail again
Stranger: it's not hi !
Stranger: it's hi!
You: well,sorry :(
You: Guess I suck saying hi!
Stranger: do ya suck at other things to?
You: never
Stranger: i do on lolipops:)
You: :D
You: well,have to admit that me too
Stranger: shall we dance?
Stranger: so ya lied to me?
You: how could we dance in omegle?
Stranger: well you dance in your room
You: yep i suck at saying hi! and lollipops,otherwise i'm perfect :)
Stranger: and i in mine
Stranger: are ya perfect :| can i marry you
Stranger: ?
You: why would u marry me?
Stranger: since you are perfect
You: nobody's really perfect, perceft doesn't excist, perfect persons don't have any mistakes in them, so they're not perfect
You: cause there aren't any mistakes
Stranger: you just said you were perfect
You: yep, but it really doesn't excist.
Stranger: so you lied again?
You: but as u can see, i don't suck at lying, cause u always believe me >:D
Stranger: hmm yes yes but still ya lied twice
Stranger: so to make up for that...can i have sex with ya girlfriend?
You: my girlfriend? sorry, not gay.
You: muhaha.
Stranger: how do you mean?
You: well, i'm not dating a girl :D
Stranger: but don't ya have any female friends tha n
You: yep, i have but i guess that their boyfriends wouldn't like that if u sleep with them.
Stranger: maybe not but i think ya friends do :D
You: they would beat u with a baseballbat. :D
You: and with that i mean my friends.
Stranger: why would they do that
Stranger: does that turn them on XD
You: because they dont wanna get laid by u or u suck in bed :D
Stranger: i think they will
Stranger: and its your fault really because you lied
You: well, they will never know that cause at night I'll come to ur room and kill u :D
Stranger: after or before we have sex?
You: looks like u r really in need :D
You: no, we won't
Stranger: i just want to make you happy
You: I'll just put ur body in a closet and let u rotten there :D
Stranger: i might enjoy that
Stranger: but than again you might too
You: why would i enjoy putting a body in a closet? nonono,that won't turn me on
Stranger: since you know that doenst turn you on ya have tried it before
You: no I haven't, but the body is just so loose, i wouldn't like anything loose
Stranger: what do you like then
You: something,emm... dunno :D
You: but loose isn't good
Stranger: that might be right
Stranger: and fat is fat good
You: eww,fat, no, that reminds me of my home economics teacher
Stranger: fat = cushions for pushin
You: we'll thats true too, but still eww.
You: I almost see the sellulite... yack
Stranger: that indeed is ewww
Stranger: but than again i'm fat
You: u r kidding
Stranger: wow how do you know
Stranger: are you stalking me :o
You: evereybody who admits to be.... .- yeh yeah I have cameras all over ur house
You: even in the bathroom.
Stranger: you like seeing me naked?
You: i haven't seen yet, guess that somebody''s broken the cameras
Stranger: i don't think so since im the only one livin here
You: maybe u walked in ur dreams :o
Stranger: you should know you are spying on me
You: well, maybe I know, maybe I won't tell it to u :D
Stranger: alrighty act that way
You: yes i will :D
Stranger: and even if you did ya would probably lie
You: u don't know that!
Stranger: well ya already lied twice
Stranger: actually 3 times
You: btw, my friend says hi to u.

when was the 3rd time?
Stranger: hi friend
Stranger: ya said ya only suck in sayin hi and lolipops
Stranger: somehow i dont belive it ;)
You: why?
Stranger: i think you suck on more things
You: like what?
Stranger: ya thumb in ya sleep
Stranger: icecreams
You: no, i don't suck my thumb, never have
You: u said i lied 3 times, well, 3rd time's the charm :D
You: but i think u suck ur thumb..
Stranger: hmm maybe
Stranger: o yes i do
Stranger: like a lil baby
You: aha, gotcha! :D
Stranger: hahahaha
You: u r laughing at me?
You: Nobody laughs at me!
You: growl.
You: aha, u r scared of me :D
You: and my grunting
Stranger: a lil
Stranger: but it turns me on too
You: okay,very wierd things turn u on :o
Stranger: i know ^^
You: btw,where r u from?
Stranger: ireland :D and you?
You: Finland,.
Stranger: wow coooool
You: I thought that u can't be chinese, cause ur english is so good. :D
You: but i had to make sure of it.
Stranger: hahaha well yours is pretty damn well too
You: I've studied it 7 years so it's a fruit of har work :D
You: hard*
Stranger: wow awesome :p
Stranger: so yours is better than mine i reckon haha
You: :D
And if u live alone I guess that u r over 20 ?
You: it's my sherlockday today x)
You: does sherlock holmes turn u on too? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
Stranger: wrong hahaha
Stranger: oo yes he does
Stranger: but only on tuesdays
You: so ur 18?
You: 19?
Stranger: 20 ;)
You: Well,that wasn't badly wrong. :D
Stranger: no but a good sherlock has it fully correct
You: Don't u even try to spoil my sherlockday, or.. or I'll find my baseballbat more quickly than than.... than light moves!
Stranger: baseball bats do turn me on too ^^
Stranger: so it's gain for me whatever it twists
You: omfg,what doesn't? :D
Stranger: fat chicks going on top xD
You: okay,so i'll find my old home economics teacher quicklier than light moves:D
Stranger: wow woow noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Stranger: that is a horrible thing to do
Stranger: i've been so nice
Stranger: and this is what i get *cries*
You: u r scared, aren't u?
Stranger: hell yea i am
You: and once again the day is saved by the powerpu--- -The sherlock in omgle! :D
Stranger: wow are you a superhero
Stranger: ya must be :o
You: I am, i'm the.. the the girl with the power of home economics teacher!
Stranger: the world is upon thy feet
Stranger: oooo mighty hero
You: I am mighty, and nobody can beat me d
You: :D*
Stranger: *beats ya*
Stranger: bet ya didnt see that one coming
You: except some middle-aged perverts from neatherlands are my weakest part.
You: yes i did, with my super,laser,ultrapower eye.
Stranger: middle aged perverts from the neterlands WTf hahahaha
Stranger: wow amazinggg
You: *beats back with the teacher which is tied up on the aseballbat*
You: well,last night I talked with one and that was scary :D
You: And I'm sure u didn't see that teacherbat coming :D
You: and I'm sure u will lose some sleep tonight and won't get turned on for a while cause after all, the teacher is still hiding there somewhere.
You: remember to feed her.
You: and now your hiding under ur bed so the teacher can't find u, oh c'mon are u a man or a mouse?
come out come out wherever u are :D
You: I'm not really a bad person, I'm a scoutgirl :D
You: okay,now i've said it, happy now?
You: I don't have fangs and I don't maul people alive and then eat them. neither does the teacher.
You: hallooeee? I'm building a boring monologue here...

ARGH, Omegle kaatui.

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