Riku:"Mulla ei oo kaikki inkkarit kanootissa"
Tero:"Se kanootti o uponnu jo"
Karsu: "Mä tuunasin mun tuulihatun!"
Mä: "Reach out and touch tuunattu tuulihattu! I'll smash it with a HAMMAH!"
Mä: "I'll turn him into a tuunattu tuulihattu, a harmless little tuunattu tuulihattu. Then I put that tuulihattu inside a box and then I put that box inside another box and then I'll mail that box to myself.. And when it comes... HAHAHAHAHA! I'll smash it with a hammah!!!
Karsu: "Tuunaisiksä mun tuulihatun?"
Iida: Do ya on the wall?
Mä: He's got too good. It means nice night. I'll tap to that and have well.
Iida: Bye
"I'll make him an elephant"
"What a failure to communicate"
" A lucky kid is sniffing glue"
"Blowjob is a boy's best friend"
"My little friend and all dead people of the world together show me the usual suspects"
ps. Somebody's so going to get busted. Someone has to be the adult here. SORRY!