


drown into eyes while they're still blind

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[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 04.03.2008 02:43

I'm feeling mean today
My life's not thrown away
Just irritated and quite hated
Self control breaks down
Why's everything so tame?
I like my life insane.
I'm barricading and debating who I'm gonna kick around.

Right now
Can't find a way to get across the hate when I see you
Right now
I feel this scratch inside, I wanna slash and beat you.
Right now
I rip apart the things inside that excite you
Right now
I can't control myself, I fucking hate you!

I'm feeling cold today
Not hurt, just fucked away.
I'm devastated and frustrated
God I feel so bound.
So what, I feel the need
I think it's time to bleed.
I'm gonna cut myself and watch the blood hit the ground.

Right now
Can't find a way to get across the hate when I see you
Right now
I feel this scratch inside, I wanna slash and beat you.
Right now
I rip apart the things inside that excite you
Right now
I can't control myself, I fucking hate you!

You open your mouth again,
I swear I'm gonna break it.
You open your mouth again,
My God I cannot take it.

Shut up, Shut up,
Shut up, I'll fuck you up.
Shut up, Shut up,
Shut up, I'll fuck you up!
Shut up! Shut up!
Shut up, I'll fuck you up!

Right now
Can't find a way to get across the hate when I see you
Right now
I feel this scratch inside, I wanna slash and beat you.
Right now
I rip apart the things inside that excite you
Right now
I can't control myself, I fucking hate you!

I fucking hate you!


well, no turning back, huh? :)

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