


irc-galleria is deadw

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1. Walk into the classroom like a super spy. (keep your back on the walls as you walk, point your finger up like a gun, look around with shifty eyes, hum the mission impossible theme, etc.)
2.After everything your teacher says, ask why continuously.
3.If your teacher is yelling at a classmate, wait for them to finish their tantrum then ask DOES SOMEBODY NEED A HUG very loudly.
4. If your teacher starts blowing up at you for saying that, simply reply, wow I can tell you're a blast at parties?
5. Sit in a corner and wait for everyone to stare at you. When they do, grab your head and scream THE LIGHT! MAKE IT STOP! ARGH IT BURNS!!!!
6. Flick pieces of paper around the class.
7. When your teacher tells you to stop, cross your arms and say, Your racist against paper aren't you.
8. Don't do your Homework.
9. When your teacher asks you why you didn?t do your homework say I dropped it while beating up this guy for saying you're the worst teacher ever. then sit there and smile sweetly.
10. When you have a supply teacher, wait for them to write their name on the board. Then when they say hello my name it Mr./Mrs (insert name here), you stand up and say PROVE IT!
11. When your teacher asks why you were late say, My goldfish died. Then burst into tears.
12.When handing in your homework, write this paper will self-destruct in 5 seconds at the bottom.
13.When you leave the class bow and say, May the force be with you, young one.
14. When the teacher turns the light off, start singing opera as loud as you can. When they turn the light back on, look around pretending to be confused.

15. Whisper to the person next to you. When the teacher comes up behind you, scream OMG GET AWAY! RAPE! RAPE! RAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!
16. Walk into class dancing the Macarena.
17. Tell your teacher you heard the other teachers talking about him/her in the staff room
18. Raise your hand and say I totally agree after everything your teacher says
19. Spend the whole lesson trying to lick your elbow
20. Speak in French.
21. Come late to class in a Spider-Man costume; say there was a disturbance
22. When they tell someone to turn around have everyone in class do it as well
23. The homework's due now Oh, give me a minute then.
24. Hand in an essay where every word is mispelled.
25. Run in the room screaming, THE WORLD IS GOING TO END!
26. When the teacher asks you why you are late, say, the queen is never late, everyone else is simply early.
27. When a teacher asks you a question, say, I'm sorry, the brain you tried to reach has been disconnected, please leave me alone or try again later, thank you.
28. When the teacher turns on the overhead projector, scream AAH MY EYES!!
29. Tell yourself knock knock jokes, then laugh loads.
30. Hide under your desk and yell THE SKY IS FALLING!

31. When someone knocks on the door, shout OH NO, THEY?RE COMING FOR ME!
32. Bring in a year 7 and says he's your new pet.
33. In your technology lesson, when the teacher asks you what you are making, say a nuclear bomb.
34, when your teacher asks you a question just stare at them.
35. Constantly talk to yourself in a low voice.
36. Purposely fall off your chair and make a big scene about it.
37. If you're playing a really boring game, make a big deal if you win.
38. Glue all their scissors together.
39. Make paperclip jewelery. E.g. necklaces, earrings etc
40. Pull out one strand of someone's hair and yell DNA!
41. Wear a sticker or a badge that says I am retarded(some people may be affended by this, if you are sorry)
42. Talk to a pen.
43. Put your hand up in a test and wait for your teacher to come over. When they whisper what?s wrong, yell NO I WON?T SNOG YOU!
44. Yell LIAR! to everything they say.
]45. Smile. All the time.
46. Draw a tiny black spot on your arm. Make it bigger everyday. Look at it and say, It's spreading, IT'S SPREADING!
47. When a supply teacher is taking the register, say everyone is missing. Then, if they ask who you are, say Your worst Nightmare
48. When you know the answer, bounce up and down a go OOOHH I KNOW THIS
49. When a teacher calls on you say, I forgot
50. If you have to blow your nose in class, blow your nose to the tune of your favourite song.

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