1. Pokémon full theme
2. The Legend of Spyro DotD - Valley of Avalar
3. Death Note - L's theme B
4. Back to the Future theme
5. Pokémon - Tears of Life
6. Harry Potter - A Window to the Past
7. The Legend of Spyro DotD - Twilight Falls (ei siis liity Twilightiin millään tavalla)
8. The Lion King - Remember
9. The Legend of Spyro DotD - Guide You Home
10. Harry Potter - Hedwig's theme
11. Death Note - Near theme
12. The Lion King - The King of Pride Rock
13. Pokémon - Lugia's song
14. Spyro the Dragon end credits
15. Mulan - Decision
16. The Legend of Spyro DotD - The Dam (Fighting)
17. Death Note - Mello theme
18. Harry Potter - Buckbeak's Flight
19. The Legend of Spyro TEN - This Broken Soul
20. The Legend of Spyro DotD - Valley of Avalar 2
21. Death Note - L's theme A
22. Pokémon - Pokérap