


'There'll be good and bad days. In good days live your life like you never lived and in bad days remember that every single moment is im...

AND THIS IS THE TRUTH!Keskiviikko 03.08.2011 21:28


Sometimes, life gets in the way and cosplay ends up on the backburner.

Then along comes an idea or two that REALLY kickstarts the cosplay inspiration once again!

I've been so busy of late that, for the past few months, cosplay just didn't appeal to me at all... until recently. With our Left 4 Dead group coming up, as well as more X-Men costumes for ~One-Sky-One-Destiny and I to make, my drive for cosplay has taken a HUGE upturn! Hell, Jenn and I were sat in my garden in semi-darkness last night as I spray-painted guns and sanded down chainsaw parts XD

I love it when that drive comes back. I feel like I can do anything. HURR.

I love that feeling. Not once has it bothered me that most of my peers are out drinking while I'm sewing or gaming. When I was a teen, I was... something of a rebel, and was very much the stereotype of my age group in regards to going out and getting wasted at every opportunity. When I got into cosplay and stopped all that, I think it came as something of a relief to my parents (and my bank account!).

Some people don't understand that.... families especially.

It's so common for me to receive messages asking how to explain cosplay to parents, or asking for advice because friends and family just don't understand the appeal, or even downright voice their dislike for it. It's hard to comprehend such animosity towards such a creative hobby...

People say it's 'weird', to go around in costumes pretending you're a cartoon or game character.
Why? Isn't that what actors on stage and silver screen do, day in and day out? And aren't they some of the most admired people in the world?

Some say it's a waste of money.
How is it a waste, if it makes you happy? It teaches you creative skills, improves your confidence, helps you meet new people and, when your abilities are good enough, can help you MAKE money through commissions. How is that a waste?

Some parents think it's dangerous, as there can be paedo's or other predators out there in the hobby.
Possibly, but why is that a reason to hate the hobby itself? Good personal safety should be important in ANY social hobby. Yes, there are people out there who get off to cosplayers, but there are also people who get off to... I don't know, swimmers and cyclists... but that doesn't stop people from doing those hobbies, right?

I'm very lucky in that my family have always been very accepting of mine and Charlotte's cosplaying, to the point where my mum often offers to help out where she can! I have, however, spent more times than I can remember trying to explain it to their friends who "don't get it" or find it concerning.

Cosplay has changed my life. It's changed who I am, improved me as a person, and helped me meet some of the most important people in my life. I fully support the hobby, and those who are in it, or wish to become part of it.

That said, if anyone ever needs help in finding the right words to explain it to their parents, or to respond to parents concerns over it, feel free to use my views above, or note me about it. I get a lot of notes and can't always respond to them, but in these cases, I will make an effort. I got involved in an argument over Twitter last week with a parent who seemed to think that cosplay made you a paedophile magnet, and also posted a picture of her child in cosplay, ridiculing her, and I worry now that the daughter may have been stopped doing what she loves altogether.

I don't want that to happen to any of you.

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