


» Love ? No. I prefer vodka.

-Maanantai 13.06.2011 04:03

Do you know what ? Now , when im really think, you are the reason why i feel that way , that nobodys like me etc.. And , really it goes that nobodys don't like you. You really ruined my life. I really wanna die, becouse you made my life a shit. I know it sounds crazy , but it real. You took all my friends.. And now I'm alone. Really, beleave me, its don't feel nice. I don't even know why I deserve that ? Or du I ? Really do I ? What im done to you that i deserve that ? I DON'T DO ANYTHING ! Anythinq that i deserve that .. Or really do I ? I don't even know !

But yeah , this is a shit. All this is a shit. Yeah, now I say that, if you are always think that im happy ? No, I'm not.. I just wanna go away. It's maybe better for all. Really.

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