


season suicide

i will never find a wayKeskiviikko 08.02.2012 22:28

I will wander until the end of time
Torn away from you
I pulled away to face the pain
I close my eyes and drift away
Over the fear
That I will never find a way
to heal my soul
And I will wander until the end of time
Torn away from you
My heart is broken
Sweet sleep, my dark angel
Deliver us from sorrow's hold
Over my heart
I can't go on living this way
I can't go back the way I came
Chained to this fear
That I will never find the way
to heal my soul
And I will wander until the end of the time
Half alive without you
My heart is broken
Sweet sleep, my dark angel
Deliver us
Open your eyes to the light
I denied it all so long
Oh so long
Say goodbye, goodbye
My heart is broken
Release me, I can't hold on
Deliver us
My heart is broken
Sweet dreams my dark angel
Deliver us
My heart is broken
Sweet sleep, my dark angel
Deliver us from sorrow's hold

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