


☆ every villain is a hero in his own mind

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 07.04.2010 22:28

i'm lying here, my soul is bleeding
don't matter if i drown in my own tears
the memories of you are overwhelming as i think back on all those years

in the beginning, it was dark and i was just a lost little girl, without a star to guide me
then you came and lit up my whole world

you made me so much happier than i had ever been before
i swear i'd never leave your side and i'd be yours forever

i don't wanna live without you if it means that i can't see your face
if it means that i can't hear your voice, i have no choice
i don't wanna live without you anymore

the night i heard the news, all night i wandered the streets alone
there's no one to hold me close, no place to call my home
when you're not around

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