


✟ what can i say to make u realize ? not positive, not negative, just think. ✟

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 09.05.2010 13:25

How fuckin' shallow is this world
It doesn't matter are you a bunch of crap and beautiful,
or are you such kind , that you care whats in your heart?

Boys care only about girl's asses. Did You think that it would hurt somebody, who doesn't want only boy, who dicks their asses?

Does it matter, if u take care of other people
and love them with all of your heart?
Clever'n good people look both, outside'n inside.
So if people fuckin' say that "BE YOURSELF, I LOVE YOU JUST THE WAY YOU ARE", then mean it.

You are so Fuckin' Shallow. copy if you think the same.

and that is so fuckin' beautiful?

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