
all that remains - two weeksSunnuntai 30.11.2008 18:06

I wanted nothing but for that trust again
and brick by brick you would take it
You feared of phantoms and none exist but you
you still saw fit to destroy it

and still you feel like the loneliness
is better replaced by this
I don't believe it this way
and I can see the fear in your eyes
I've seen it materialize
growing stronger each day

I could see it as you turned to stone
still clearly I can hear you say
don't leave don't give up on me
two weeks and you ran away
I remember don't lie to me
you couldn't see that it was not that way
swear I never gave up on you

and you neglected I called you out don't please
I said we're stronger than this now
You feared of phantoms and none exist but you
you still saw fit to destroy it

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 30.11.2008 17:58

viski... ilman JÄITÄ prkl!

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 21.11.2008 20:12

ihana elämä, ihanat ihmiset

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 21.11.2008 13:05

Remember when you were born
At that same moment
You were sentenced to die
And to carry the burden of life
Our dreams are built into castles
And those walls will crumble down
Nothing is forever, to each his own
että sellasta

haistakaa kaikki pitkä paskaLauantai 06.09.2008 05:37

ei tarvi sanoja

hajottaaMaanantai 21.07.2008 16:54

Tänää takasi ja mieli kanssa sen mukanen. onneks on toistaseks mahdollista et pääsis perjantaina taas sivistyksen pariin, mut saas nähä. :e

et hei vaa heiluville

rupee illat pimeneeMaanantai 07.07.2008 09:32

Jaahas pojjaat. armenian harmaat kutsuuuu...eiku.
Aku Ankkailee seuraava vuos siel vai? :e

haistakaa kaikki pitkä paska!
oon angsti 06.07.2008 17:45

Fall on evil days, remember there's no way out
What is done is done
Fall on evil days when agony breaks us down
We murdered love