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Everything is Borrowed Keskiviikko 03.09.2008 08:46

I came to this world with nothing
And I leave with nothing but love
Everything else is just borrowed

'everything is borrowed' by The Streets

This song encourages one to ponder

What is important in a life??
Is it our possessions and how much we have?
Or is it those who we have and love?

I canÂ’t help but think that too often people are worried about having the latest televisions/ cars/ haircut/ clothesÂ… We canÂ’t take any of this to the grave with us. Possessions donÂ’t have the ability to make us better people, kinder people, more generous people. The type of car we drive doesnÂ’t have the ability to determine how good a friend we are going to be.

Too many times we jump to conclusions about a person by what we see, how they present themselves or the people they hang around with. These all assist in making a judgment, and all too often this perception is inaccurate. We donÂ’t stop to give that person a chance. DonÂ’t give them the opportunity to show that they are funny, caring, and compassionate. Possessions often cloud our vision of a person. As children in the playground, we want to be friends with the girl with the newest doll or the boy with the latest action figure. You would think that as we got older we would grow out of this, but the truth is, we donÂ’t. Even as adults we would much prefer to be friends with people who have possessions that we want and/ or are jealous of. We donÂ’t like to think of it like this, and we definitely donÂ’t want to admit it, but more often than not, this is the case.

I believe it is much more important to have people around you who make you truly happy, people who love you for who you are and what you bring into their lives. Qualities such as loyalty, respect, reliability, sincerity, personality and dependability all assist in creating a relationship that will last the test of time, a relationship that will leave memories in the mind as fresh as the day in which they were created.

Memories are times we borrow for spending tomorrow

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