


bongasi julkkiksia

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 08.01.2007 19:13

Why everything that's supposed to bad make me feel so good?
Everything they told me not to is exactly what I would
Man I tried to stop man I tried the best I could
But (You make me smile)

What's your addiction? Is it money? Is it girls? Is it weed?
I've been afflicted by not one, not two, but all three
She's got the same thing, about me, but more, about us
She's coming over, so I guess, that means, I'm on drugs
Just let me peek now, I mean damn, I'm so curious
She's got a lover, so the lies, and the lust, is a rush
Time's of the essence, I need, you to be, spontaneous
Roll up the doge, henny and c-c-c-cola, then I'm co coming over
Cuz its ne-never over

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