No shit. I've had a sore throat for a week or more.
Yesterday(?) it really hit me, I can't speak nor swallow without it hurting like hell!
Even breathing's starting to hurt every now and then.
Still I've been at school, but today I really felt like shit.
I had a enormous headache and slight fever yesterday, and got them back when I got up.
But yeah, I went to school - the nurse's. She checked my body temperature with an actual thermometer lol (bought one now), which was a "just a slight fever" in her meter. She also checked my throat, which I - for some reason - find kinda fun. I'm just sitting there waiting for her to say "yes, it is red and artynyt" and then trying some nerves under the jawbone, I've done that myself, I know it means an infection if they're sore.
"It's really red indeed, and if it starts to hurt to talk and swallowing begins to be painful, book a time in your health center. Buy a thermometer, although you were right about your body temperature.
Go home now and rest, take tomorrow off too, and if you still have a fever on thursday-friday, stay home. Remember to drink a lot."
I don't even remember when I got my last actual sairasloma.
Gonna make a shit load of tea and watch Winnie the Pooh while Dan is at school :3
(._. I'mnotusedtobeingawayfromhimthislong)