
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 09.07.2010 03:30

So here I lie
In the belly of a shark
So fucking cold, so fucking dark

So here I lie
In the belly of a shark
And how the fuck did I get this far?

Now all I have to do
Is come up to you
Convince you
To come in too

Cut yourself first
They can smell your blood
From forty miles away
They'll be here in no time
They'll be here in no time

So here I lie
In the belly of a shark
So fucking cold, so fucking dark

So here I lie
In the belly of a shark
And how the fuck did I get this far?

I'm gonna show you
Exactly what you mean to me
I'm gonna eat every man that you see

I'm gonna show you
Exactly what you mean to me
I'm gonna eat every man that you see

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