


don't be a drag, just be a queen

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 26.06.2009 17:34

"People don't know if IÂ’m gay, straight or an alien from outer space... itÂ’s funny."


"I was really bummed 'cause last year on Warped Tour I got a really bad sun tan, [---] 'cause I'm half italian so I tan really good." "Really?" "Yeah, it's a bummer."

Oi voi Gerrua. 8< ruskettuminen ei oo kivaa.

"The only place I'm really scared of was the Tenderloin. I walked out of the bus in my makeup and costume and some dude on the other side of the street in front of a crack house yelled 'Better stay on that side of the street motherf*****, I'll knock you out!'"

8< joku tyhmä ihminen siel.

"So many people are gonna treat you like you're a kid. So, you might as well act like one and throw your television out of the hotel window."

Hihi. Toi on ihana :'D

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