Yukiko-chan || global warming affects us all, not just those who try to do something for it! sanoo:
Smile jos sä saisit lahjalipun l. kaks lippua valmiiks maksettuna ni kenet ottaisit mukaan ja minkä kattoisit (leffaaan)
Smile sanoo:
hairspray ja sut
Yukiko-chan || global warming affects us all, not just those who try to do something for it! sanoo:
Yukiko-chan || global warming affects us all, not just those who try to do something for it! sanoo:
Kruunuska sanoo:
Yukiko-chan || global warming affects us all, not just those who try to do something for it! sanoo:
nyt mä oon onnellinen x'D
Smile sanoo:
sori Kruunuska
Yukiko-chan || global warming affects us all, not just those who try to do something for it! sanoo:
kauheet hehkutukset/nyyhkyttelyt
Yukiko-chan || global warming affects us all, not just those who try to do something for it! sanoo:
Smile sanoo:
ei siks et enpitäis sust
Yukiko-chan || global warming affects us all, not just those who try to do something for it! sanoo:
vaan siks et vihaan sua!
Yukiko-chan || global warming affects us all, not just those who try to do something for it! sanoo:
Yukiko-chan || global warming affects us all, not just those who try to do something for it! sanoo:
Kruunuska sanoo:
Smile sanoo:
joo joo mist arvasit
Yukiko-chan || global warming affects us all, not just those who try to do something for it! sanoo:
Kruunuska sanoo:
Yukiko-chan || global warming affects us all, not just those who try to do something for it! sanoo:
mä OOON liian PRO
Yukiko-chan || global warming affects us all, not just those who try to do something for it! sanoo:
reilukerho kokoontui ja jätti jälkensä
Smile sanoo: