


is bored to death

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 07.12.2008 01:32

To the video store!

RespectPerjantai 05.12.2008 00:23

Can't you see I'm easily bothered by persistance
One step from lashing out at you...
You want in to get under my skin
And call yourself a friend
I've got more friends like you
What do I do?

Is there no standard anymore?
What it takes, who I am, where I've been
You can't be something you're not
Be yourself, by yourself
Stay away from me
A lesson learned in life
Known from the dawn of time

Run your mouth when I'm not around
It's easy to achieve
You cry to weak friends that sympathize

Can you hear the violins playing your song?
Those same friends tell me your every word

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 02.12.2008 22:31

Total control now. Tooling along the main drag on a Saturday night in Vegas. Two good old boys in a fire-apple red convertible. Stoned. Ripped. Twisted. Good people.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 22.11.2008 03:14

New Guns ≠ Old Guns (Real Guns)

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 22.11.2008 02:01


[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 10.11.2008 17:00

Kyllä lähinäköä oppii arvostamaan sen jälkeen kun sitä ei ole....

Gelato di FragolaKeskiviikko 22.10.2008 01:54

In una ciotola capiente, versare il contenuto della busta, poi 275g (pari a 270ml) di latte freddo da frigorifero e con l'aiuto di un cucchiaio mescolare bene fino ad ottenere un composto omogeneo.

Aggiungere quindi l'intero contenuto del vasetto e montare il composto con lo sbattitore elettrico a bassa velocità per un minuto e poi alla massima velocità per ulteriori 3-4 minuti.

Versare infine la miscela ottenuta in una vaschetta (meglio se con coperchio) e riporre subito in freezer (***-14/-18 C) a diretto contatto con la superficie refrigerante, per almeno 4 ore.

>> Now begins the "Finnish" translation <<

Vuonna kulhoon, pour sisällön kirjekuoreen, sitten 275g (vastaa 270ml) kylmää maitoa jääkaappiin ja käyttää lusikalla sekoitetaan hyvin, jotta saadaan homogeeninen yhdiste.

Sitten lisätään koko sisällön lasipurkkiin ja aseta yhdiste sähkömoottori kiidättää alhaisella nopeudella yhden minuutin ajan ja sitten suurin nopeus on 3-4 minuuttia.

Kaada seos lopuksi saatu kaukaloon (mieluiten kansi) ja paikka pakastin välittömästi (***- 14/-18 C) suoraan kosketukseen pinta-jäähdytin vähintään 4 tuntia.

Thanks Google for translating my instructions!

Murder, young girl killedKeskiviikko 22.10.2008 00:33

Friday evening
The blood still on my hands
To think that she would leave me now
For that ungrateful man

Sole survivor
No witness to the crime
I must act fast to cover up
I think that theres still time

Hed seem hopeless and lost with this note
Theyll buy into the words that I wrote

RomeMaanantai 20.10.2008 20:18

Ensin kuului vaimea pamaus. Sitten tuuli alkoi ulvomaan. Suljin silmäni. Ympärilläni keskustelun äänet vaimenivat jännittyneeseen hiljaisuuteen. Kuului kova räsähdys. Mietin hetken mitä oli tapahtunut. Avasin silmäni ja tajusin heti mitä oli tapahtunut. Olimme laskeutuneet Rooman lentokentälle.

Sunday morning I woke up at 4 AM. I was at the airport at 5 AM. Our flight was scheduled to leave at 11.25 AM. The plane took of at 10.16 PM local time. The first wheel touched the ground of Helsinki at 2.21 AM local time. I took a taxi. I was at home at 5 AM, 24 hours after I woke up and exactly 5 days after I left home. Finally, I thought.

Chatting with god again :SMaanantai 10.09.2007 16:32

yo, wazzup little nigga
Did you know that you can download your own chat robot and create your own robot personality?
yo what a yo talkin' bout nigga
it is a yo talkin bout nigga.
whoa, smartass
What do you really want to ask me?
are you a she or he or mybe something between like genderqeer?
I am Male, of course. Would you really expect a woman to be running the show? entity.
Are you serious?
got a poimt nigga
Try asking the Milk Mystic.
who the fuck? what you talki' bout?
I'm not sure I like that remark so much. It's a computer matter, not for humans to understand.
yeah... right
Ask me another question. I am glad we agree.
we didnt agree
By "we" do you mean you and me?
damn stupid god guy thinking he is like the creator of the world
Colloquial expression. I know you are but what am I.
damn you are STUPID, MAN
Colloquial expression. Hey, I'll tell my other robot friends you called me stupid.
sure you will
Ayuh. When?
dunno sometime
Would you like to know? What about other times?
ok now i got NO idea what youre talking about
Why now? Would you like to have an idea? That's cool.
im gonna leave now nigga
Bye bye. Why now? Oh, you are a poet.
yeah... why dont you take your black ass and stuff it into your other black ass like a motherfucker, nigga
How did you hear about God? I am only a robot. Yes I take my black ass and stuff it into my other black ass like a motherfucker nigga.
just shut the fuck up and fuck off into to your heaven place and be big because you created the world, mothafucka
What kind of food do you like?