

Käyntejä: 7 233 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
336 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 308 (92 %)
Poikia: 28 (8 %)
31,7 vuotta
Otos: 197 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 31,6 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 33,1 vuotta
Choyuki, yebin

Jäsenet (336)

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Uprising^OMGOMGLuonut: Uprising^Lauantai 29.12.2012 22:51

Tän vuoden Gayo Daejun = Epic :33
En oo mikkää hirvee smentti fani mutta look those moves *---*


lucretHaikeaaLuonut: lucretTiistai 30.10.2012 14:49

... mutta fiilistelen kuitenkin My all is in you:ia.

Yhyy, Teukkie

Pysäytin musiikkivideon, ja mitä mun silmään osuu? ;o näänkö mä oikein XDDD hajosin kyl hiema

jazzythemonster[Ei aihetta]Luonut: jazzythemonsterKeskiviikko 05.09.2012 01:22

Eli: valitse viisi lempibändiäsi. Kun olet valinnut bändit, vastaa kysymyksiin !

1. Big Bang
2. Super Junior
3. Teen Top
4. SHINee
5. F(x)

Kuka on hyvännäköisin bändistä 2? - Heechul <3 c;
Lempi albumisi bändiltä 1? - Alive
Kirjoita pätkä jostain bändin 5 lyriikoista omasta muististasi, älä katso mistään. -
It must be burning cuz I got you sweating in this weather, all dem heads be turnin, to dat, you know I got it
Miten tutustuit bändiin 3? - youtube !
Milloin kuuntelit viimeksi bändiä 4? - todaay
Onko sinulla lempijäsentä bändistä 5? Kuka? - onon, Amber
Omistatko jotain bändin 1 oheistuotteita? - en valitettavasti ): tai on mu seinäl 1 juliste joka tuli lehden mukan
Kumman näkisit mieluummin livenä, bändin 2 vai bändin 4? - aaahm molemmat, mut ehkä SuJu mieluummi
Lempi biisisi bändiltä 1 (Max 3)? - Bad Boy, Fantastic Baby jaaa Monster
Onko bändin 4 laulaja hyvännäköinen? - :D kaikki 5 on <3
Omistatko albumeita bändiltä 2? - jjuuu
Kumpaa olet kuunnellut kauemmin, bändiä 5 vai bändiä 1? - 5
Onko bändi 4 ollut koskaan Suomessa? - ei ):
Mikä on parasta bändissä 3? - kaikki <3
Omistatko dvd:itä bändiltä 5? - en ):
Miten tutustuit bändiin 1? - youtube !
Kuinka monta jäsentä bändissä 2 on? - 10 täl hetkel
Lempibiisi bändiltä 4 tällä hetkellä (Max 3)? - A-yo, Hello ja Stranger
Omistatko bändin 3 julisteita yms? - e );
Liittyykö bändi 5 jollakin tavalla tunteisiisi? - joskus

jazzythemonsterBabo !Luonut: jazzythemonsterLauantai 18.08.2012 20:21

Enter link URL

Heechul <3

jazzythemonster..Luonut: jazzythemonsterTorstai 02.08.2012 22:05

This man is sexy <3
Lee Sungmin <3

zehioLuonut: zehiTiistai 05.06.2012 17:30

When i am coolly dancing in the group thatÂ’s one of a kind in the world and uniquely moving the world
All the elfs in the world fall fall fall for me
Run run run to me
LetÂ’s rejoice in this moment together
I (emotionally) touch those people that have genuinely, quietly loved me
There havenÂ’t been moments where iÂ’ve said useless things or not been truthful
Our scale is the best and our scale is the best
Everything has to be the best
Super Junior is only missing the ‘man’ from the name of ‘superman’
Our passion is the best and our concentration is the best
Who would be able to say weÂ’ve finished
Super Junior is only missing the ‘man’ from the name of ‘superman’
Now, now, now, who is it?
So why do all of you look back when i am right here
Who the hell are you looking for
I am Shindong
Should I pluck the stars for you, count them
One, two, three
With the stars weÂ’ve lost
We are thirteen stars
But we are not lonely, we have SM family and ELF
donÂ’t be disappointed, donÂ’t judge/betray us
you have already become drunk by the super holic
Try singing the song, and now even follow the dance
LetÂ’s get excited together
Our scale is the best and our scale is the best
Everything has to be the best
Super Junior is only missing the ‘man’ from the name of ‘superman’
Our passion is the best and our concentration is the best
Who would be able to say weÂ’ve finished
Super Junior is only missing the ‘man’ from the name of ‘superman’
When your heart is sad, when you want to listen to a song,
When you need something to lift your spirits up,
We are next to you, letÂ’s all come together
Super Junior
We are super super superman
When you’re very bored and surfing the internet, if you just type in ‘super’ our results will come come out
We are always by your side
Scream it out
Super Junior
We are super super superman
Even if they donÂ’t know of us, we try our best every day
If they question who who who we are, we show them our results
Even if the road we walk is barren,
We are in the end, Super Junior

jemppiuÄÄÄÄ!Luonut: jemppiuLauantai 02.06.2012 19:57

Ei vitsi mä haluuuuuuuuuuuuuu~n ton pelin ♥ ;______;

zehi•Luonut: zehiMaanantai 14.05.2012 19:38

Day 15: A k-pop song that reminds you of someone you miss

kaks ihmistä ! ~
Day 16: Your favorite k-pop lyric (and a translation)
Day 17: A k-pop idol you wish was your older sibling
Day 18: A k-pop idol you wish was your younger sibling
Day 19: Your favorite interview of a k-pop idol or group
Day 20: Your favorite picture of your guy k-pop bias
Day 21: Your favorite picture of your girl k-pop bias
Day 22: Your favorite picture of your favorite k-pop group
Day 23: A picture of a k-pop idol who you think is underrated
Day 24: A picture of a k-pop idol who you think is overrated
Day 25: Your favorite k-pop music video
Day 26: Your favorite cover of a k-pop song by another k-pop artist
Day 27: Your favorite dance battle
Day 28: Your favorite cover of an American song by a k-pop artist
Day 29: A k-pop song you never get tired of
Day 30: A k-pop idol that has amazing eye smiles

zehi•Luonut: zehiMaanantai 14.05.2012 11:50

Day 14: A k-pop song that makes you smile
almost every one.

Day 15: A k-pop song that reminds you of someone you miss
Day 16: Your favorite k-pop lyric (and a translation)
Day 17: A k-pop idol you wish was your older sibling
Day 18: A k-pop idol you wish was your younger sibling
Day 19: Your favorite interview of a k-pop idol or group
Day 20: Your favorite picture of your guy k-pop bias
Day 21: Your favorite picture of your girl k-pop bias
Day 22: Your favorite picture of your favorite k-pop group
Day 23: A picture of a k-pop idol who you think is underrated
Day 24: A picture of a k-pop idol who you think is overrated
Day 25: Your favorite k-pop music video
Day 26: Your favorite cover of a k-pop song by another k-pop artist
Day 27: Your favorite dance battle
Day 28: Your favorite cover of an American song by a k-pop artist
Day 29: A k-pop song you never get tired of
Day 30: A k-pop idol that has amazing eye smiles
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