

Käyntejä: 2 377 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

lucretHaikeaaLuonut: lucretTiistai 30.10.2012 14:49

... mutta fiilistelen kuitenkin My all is in you:ia.

Yhyy, Teukkie

wexi☆ a-cha ☆Luonut: wexiSunnuntai 11.03.2012 19:19

Kiitos, comeonfallenstar
comin up

O-newDay 1: Your ultimate biasLuonut: O-newLauantai 03.07.2010 18:50


Leader of SUJU!!

LUV U! ♥

O-newAAAAAA!!!!! FINLANDLuonut: O-newPerjantai 26.02.2010 23:33

Super junior leader Leeteuk prays and sends his cheers to ‘figure queen’ Kim Yuna for her (possible) gold medal at the Vancouver winter Olympics.

In an interview on the 23th, Leeteuk said “The only fact that the ice athlete Kim Yuna exists is already a gold medal” and “she has powers to overwhelm her competitors so if she just does what she does normally then she’ll get the gold medal”. The public support and the global media spotlight might be a burden but she should just don’t get hurt and do her best like she always does.

In 2007, Leeteuk along with Super Junior had been chosen for an uniform CF with Kim Yuna. Even if there wasn’t mutual exchanges since then the fans had cheered for Kim Yuna at that time.

“Last week-end I went to Taiwan for Asia tour and there I made researches on the internet about winter Olympics.” He said. “Among the figure skaters, I have read that the Finland Figure skater Kiira Korpi was pretty, I looked and she is indeed pretty. ” He added, laughing.

Leeteuk enumerated one by one all the South Korean publicized athletes present at the Winter gams of Vancouvert. “After Mo Taebum won the Gold Medal the interview ‘Because of the lack of attention, I made a good performance’ was the most impressive.” Leeteuk said, He also added “The speed skating athlete Lee Sung hoon saw some events changing but by all means his dream won. I want to learn that fighting spirit. “. Finally he pointed out that “Althrough he didn’t get a medal I was very impressed by the noble olympic spirit that has shown Lee Kyuhyuk”.

OMG shit! O_o

O-newhmph.Luonut: O-newKeskiviikko 01.07.2009 21:55

tralala tää täyttyy vaan näistä tyhjänpäiväsistä merkinnöistä.
ja kaikkia kiinnostaa.


p.s. kuvassa tulevaisuuteni husband <3

JA liiteri täyttää 27v.!!

PastTENSE☆o17☆Luonut: PastTENSESunnuntai 06.07.2008 23:50

July 1, 1983
25 birthdays have passed
My long wait met an end today
Actually I'm a bit embarrassed
I'm awkward when expressing myself
Today I call out Hyung's name once
Saying Happy Birthday
Even such simple words
Seem as if they were blocking my mouth
Getting them out is hard
These lyrics I carry in my heart and feelings
Come on~ blow the candles
Impossible to hide your charm
Feels like I've fallen in deep
Every night from 10 to 12 I meet you, Leeteuk
You're the one I wish to be with together forever
You just are my good-looking Prince
I thank you
For coming into this world
Your coming into this world is a strong impression
It's a finer gift than I thought
Hyung Hyungnim as the Leader I'm directly under you
Behind our leading Hyung's back
There are 12 members
Don't always hurt by yourself
Indivisible Super Junior, in sorrow and joy
Angel (Special Day)
Teuki Teuki~ Leeteuki~
Ever Lasting Friends Your wings
Kiss the Radio (forever)
Happy Birthday To You
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