

Minä ja muut
Käyntejä: 1 795 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
17 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 4 (24 %)
Poikia: 13 (76 %)
26,6 vuotta
Otos: 8 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 24,1 vuotta
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Jäsenet (17)

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The Anonymous "hacktivist" collective, known as much for its self-branding as its anything-goes, anti-authoritarian sense of online comeuppance, first came to public attention in January 2008. The occasion was an internal Scientology video starring Tom Cruise, which had been leaked to YouTube. The church, saying that the video was copyrighted, requested that YouTube rem
ove it. Members of Anonymous, however, took issue with that request, and as part of what it dubbed "Project Chanology," reportedly began launching distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against Scientology websites, blanketing church centers with prank phone calls and faxes, and "doxing" the church by releasing its sensitive documents into the public domain, for example via peer-to-peer networks.
On January 21, 2008, a YouTube post set the template for future Anonymous proclamations. The video, in this case criticizing the Church of Scientology, includes the now-common Anonymous sign-off: "Knowledge is free. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us." By the next month, Anonymous claimed that 7,000 people had staged protested outside of Scientology centers around the world, many of them sporting the now-famous, black-and-white Guy Fawkes mask, as worn by the protagonist of the film V for Vendetta to hide his identity. (Notably, in the film, the masses also wore it as they rose up to help overthrow the ruling dictatorship.)
By early 2008, Anonymous--which reportedly grew out of the anarchic 4chan imageboard website--was already pursuing online attacks as a form of nonviolent protest. By 2010, it was launching regular DDoS attacks against pro-copyright websites.
But the group really came to public prominence during its defense of WikiLeaks and its charismatic--if reportedly mercurial--leader, Julian Assange. WikiLeaks, of course, came under fire from the U.S. government after the site obtained video footage from a U.S. helicopter strike in Iraq that killed two Reuters employees, as well as two children. Next, Assange began to coordinate--together with major newspapers in multiple countries--the release of hundreds of thousands of secret U.S. government cables beginning in December 2010.
The government-orchestrated reaction was swift. PayPal and credit-card processors MasterCard and Visa blocked payments to WikiLeaks, which relied on donations to lease server space and pay staff. There's a short lifespan for a whistle-blowing website that can't remain online.
In response, Anonymous mobilized, unleashing its so-called Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC) tool, with which anyone could participate in Anonymous DDoS attacks by lobbing packets at designated website. From there, meanwhile, Anonymous expanded its focus, and backed by what appear to be numerous international chapters, has tackled everything from cartels in Mexico and child pornography file-sharing sites, to takedowns of Israeli government servers and U.S. and world. so and greece, law enforcement agencies, and so we Beginning for any fight bcous we are a fighter We are Anonymous. We are Legion. Do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.
by : Anonback Back
For as long as there have been computers, there has always been a small minority who tried to hack, crack, code and script their way around the inner workings, making electronics and computers do things that they werenÂ’t designed for.

Hacking isnÂ’t by any means a new thing, as some of its roots can be traced back to WWII when the Allied forces decrypted the Nazi Enigma machine. It was said that the German war-time system of messaging couldnÂ’t be cracked, but through hard work, the Allied forces managed to do just that.

Hacking of computers is done for various reasons, but each hacker has a different motivation. Some are done for personal gain, monetary reward or malicious intent, but the hacker group Anonymous claims freedom of information.

The group, who apparently has no leader, came into prominence by openly supporting the release of classified documents through Wikileaks. But it wasnÂ’t until the hacking of SonyÂ’s PlayStation Network that the public took notice of them.

And although they have been blamed for nearly every hacking attempt in the last two years, the question is- are th
ey as dangerous as the general media claims? Who exactly is Anonymous, and for lack of a better phrase, what do they want?

To define the group is a bit difficult as itÂ’s not easy to pigeon-hole a collective who claim that they donÂ’t have a leader and only consist of a loose group of members from all over the world. How this group functions as one without a leader might just be the biggest social experiment in democracy, discipline and free will.

The name Anonymous has also become a synonym for other hacking collectives like LulzSec, AntiSec and AnonOps, who all might or might not have the same ideals and demands as Anonymous, although they all branched off from the main body at some time.

Whether or not they are as dangerous as the media claims, it all depends on who you ask. The main thought behind the group is to fight for internet freedom and freedom of speech. As history has told us, it becomes a bit of a blurry line at the best of times.
by: Anonback Back

Revo_LutionTeaM p0is0nLuonut: Revo_LutionLauantai 07.07.2012 01:23

tulipas tossa tänää liityttyä Team p0is0niin.. mukavia kaverieta täynnä.. vähän vaan pelottaa ku jo 3 joutunu linnaan tänävuonna.. sitä se elämä on.. ja me ollaan perhe.. jos joku on pulassa nii muut auttaa.. tänään siis tuli kaadettua 3 eri uutis sivustoa..
our team
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