Contamination particles detected in a specimen of Canis lupus familiaris, actions to remove contamination required
Urgency: immediate action required
History: Specimen has been contaminated with SHIT (human excrement) and rolled on the source of contamination for approximately five times
Specimen has laid over the source of contamination for approximately fifteen seconds before removal of specimen from the source of contamination
Attempts to remove contamination followed immediately by forcing specimen through wet foliage, attempts proven ineffective as contamination remains strong
Specimen has showed exceptional joy for & when acquiring contamination
Specimen's overall mood has clearly been positively affected by contamination & acquiring contamination
Description of contamination: Foul-smelling, clay red SHIT covers the fur of the specimen (Canis lupus familiaris) and remains unaffected by repeated attempts at natural means of removal
Contamination may have reached the bottom layer of fur on the specimen and immediate preventive measures are to be taken to avoid drying and hardening of contamination
Proposed action: Specimen should be brought inside immediately & washed throughoutly with minimal human contact to contamination
Taken action: Specimen brought inside & washed throughoutly with little human contact to contamination
Specimen shows signs of joy as the action takes place
Results: Specimen has been decontaminated
Involved humans have been cleaned & desinfected to remove potential contamination
ja kaikki vie nyt koiran virtuaali kävelylle neljän nettisivun läpi, leikkii koiran kans painamalla yhtä nappia ja lahjottaa samalla punnan brittien kodittomille koirille!
ps. itsehän omistan Espanjasta adoptoidun katukoiran.
mumman kans tehtii semmone diili et jos lopetan tupakin polton se ostaa mulle koiran.
ainoo ongelma on se et en tiiä haluunko iso vai piene koiran ku olis miljoona eri rotuu jonka haluusi :DDD
Hehee. Saimpas hyödynnettyä pari tarjousta melko tarkkaan. Nyt koirille on puoleksi vuodeksi ruoat kotona. :D Ja pilkka hintaan. Kuvassa vain 60kg, loput 25kg (Golden Eagle lamb&rice) on kaadettu jo tynnyriin. Hintaa koko pompsille tuli 112,60€, ovh n. 250€.