

Käyntejä: 1 152 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
8 jäsentä
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21,7 vuotta
Otos: 4 jäsentä
Poikien keski-ikä: 21,7 vuotta

Jäsenet (8)

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ttonii_ostakaaLuonut: ttonii_Tiistai 15.06.2010 23:01

Myydään loistokuntonen PS3 SLIM & 2 peliä hintaan 250€
pelit o modern warfare 2 ja operation flashpoint dragon rising
Ostan ehkä myös tuon Operation Flashpoint Dragon Risingin. Näytti niin hyvältä peli mitä nyt oon videoita ja kuvia kattellu.
--Reportage Photography
--Documentary News Coverage
--Gritty blockbuster war films

--400GB of data gathered
--Real world reference data
--Sent researches to the physical island to research info and imagery
--Sabots fire with effects that are realistic, in that the explosion few milliseconds after a round has left a tank's turret for example are sped up and give an ultra realistic experience.
--Weapon systems on vehicles are realistic in that they deploy the way they should.
--Weapons all faithfully recreated to enhance realism and feel.

The Island:
--220km2 of terrain (or 134miles squared - of land, not including water)
--Wide range of terrain types:
----Rocky Mountains
--Crumbling soviet era architecture
-- Nothing on the island was designed by mission designers, they are all real geographical places/locations.

Traveling from end to end on the island:
--Takes 4.5 hours to walk
--Takes 2 hours driving (in reasonably fast jeep)
--Takes 20 minutes to fly in the fastest jet

In-Game Footage/Info:
----No shaders are running/turned on (Hence no shadows)
----Multi-staged/functioned building distruction.
----Multi-staged/functioned vehicle distruction/states
----Multi-staged/functioned object distruction/states
----If something blown up during the campaign, it will stay that way throughout the entire campaign.
----Heavier weapons have to be carried, no magic pockets, they must be assembled.
----Over 70 weapons in the game (Reference: Arma has 30)
----Over 50 vehicle in the game
----Player has to learn how individual vehicles are used and their roles
----Terrain types effect each vehicle differently
----Doors and hatches on vehicles are opened before entry/exiting
----Animations for getting in/out of vehicles
----Vehicles fitted with latest technology, all the way up to the wars in Afaganistan (Ex: UH60 Infared Baffle)
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