

Elämänkatsomus ja filosofia
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IrapedCrue~Luonut: IrapedCrueSunnuntai 27.04.2014 03:29

Ricky was a young boy, He had a heart of stone.
Lived 9 to 5 and worked his fingers to the bone.
Just barely got out of school, came from the edge of town.
Fought like a switchblade so no one could take him down.
He had no money, oooh no good at home.
He walked the streets a soldier and he fought the world alone

18 and life You got it
18 and life you know
Your crime is time and it's
18 and life to go

Tequila in his heartbeat, His veins burned gasoline.
It kept his motor running but it never kept him clean.
They say he loved adventure, "Ricky's the wild one."
He married trouble and had a courtship with a gun.
Bang Bang Shoot 'em up, The party never ends.
You can't think of dying when the bottle's your best friend

"You gave me the reason to keep going,
you gave me the strength to hold on...

Your story make me think, what kind of world we live on?
This mad world is full of mysteries, but if you have someone who watch your steps, then you get more strength to keep walking.

And if there is someone that thinks you every day, you get the reason to keep smiling."

Toivon että se henkilö jota ajattelin tässä kun tätä kirjoitin lukisi tämän ja tajuaisi ;_;

JEALOUSBITCH.Luonut: JEALOUSBITCHTiistai 01.05.2012 21:58


when sometimes gettin fed up, your own life & Loves its feels, painfully. My dreams tell me the truth 'bout you and. think that time when we met you was like :3 and i was like :I and now its different.. IHATEU! (badenglish)

-jull3! trueLuonut: -jull3Perjantai 13.04.2012 17:55

on parempi vihata, ku rakastaa jos ei saa ''vastaust'' tunteisiisa ... niinku kaikki muut .. ne nätit !!
Tein korttitaloo,mmut sit se sortu.

Sä et todellakaa tiedä kuinka paljon käytän aikaani

Siihen että jotenki ees löytäisin mä itseni

Luulen aina edistyväni,mut palaan takasi

Siihen mistä lähdinki ja se taas sattuu perkeleesti,..!
Yes, all you Pallys and Mages out there.. I hate you, seriously - Arcane Mage - On button class anyone? Your rotation is to press "2" -> Arcane Bolt.. Spam that.. Like seriously.

There's a reason why I play Warlock.

Paladins... Can you even imagine anything that is more.. ***? Also there's the tiny fact of the thing that YOU ARE STEALING EVERYTHING COOL FROM US! (us = Death Knights) And then there's the jokes...
"I'm just pretending to heal - oh really? Then I'm just gonna look pretty - hihi/hehe/haha" - SERIOUSLY!

Death Knight.. <3

And Alliance.. I'm not even thinking about Goldshire here.. No not one bit.. -> Reason I am pro-horde.. Goldshire. Yes indeed.

There you go a bit of rant.

ruuby349Luonut: ruubyMaanantai 11.10.2010 23:55

h a t e h a t e h a t e h a t e h a t e h a t e ~

hjeidi[Ei aihetta]Luonut: hjeidiPerjantai 21.05.2010 19:30

And I hate how much I love you boy
I can't stand how much I need you
And I hate how much I love you boy
But I just can't let you go
And I hate that I love you so..

Yolkobecause I felt like itLuonut: YolkoKeskiviikko 17.02.2010 21:44

  • Weeaboos (even though I'm bit of a one myself, lol)
  • Crocs
  • People who can't relate to other people
  • Twilight and (most of) its fans
  • Naruto and narutards
  • idiots
  • attention whores
  • people with (a very) poor taste of music
  • wannabes
  • people who think that they're really amazing artists and all that
  • rednecks & hillbillies (unfortunately Finland is full of them oh yay)
  • teenage girls who act like.. well, typical teenage girls
  • teenage girls giggling and squealing like idiots
  • myself for being so fucking lazy, with everything
  • myself for having so little self-control
  • myself for being such an idiot
  • myself for always having weird expectations
  • myself for being such an attention whore
  • myself for having too many hobbies
  • myself for being so disgusting
  • myself for not being able to do housework well
  • myself for not being able to do anything well
  • myself for being an elitist from time to time
  • ...well, let's just say that myself for various things.
  • babies (well excuse me)
  • stereotypes
  • fanfics written by weeaboos (GOMEN NASAI, SATOSHI-KUN blahh blahh)
  • PE
  • ..and myself for hating it
  • George W. Bush Jr
  • Lauri Tähkä
  • books like "Let's draw manga"
  • people who think that they're special even though they're not
  • sung commercials
  • (most of) romantic comedies
  • racists
  • close-minded people
  • hikikomoris who want to marry an anime character with big boobs, a high-pitched voice and no personality to speak of
  • modern society and other things that are making little girls look like little whores
  • my computer for being so lame
  • my computer for being so ancient that it doesn't even read DVDs
  • myself for not being able to fix my computer
  • moe animes
  • small children
  • skinheads
  • people who wear branded clothes just because everybody else does it
  • emos
  • people who aren't able to write even one sentence with good grammar
  • people who don't think for themselves AT ALL
  • drama queens
  • little girls (and boys) who think that they going to be great MANGA ARTISTS when they grow up
  • art thieves
  • people who get their kick of saying something like "I can't draw" just to get people to say the opposite after it
  • people who honestly think that someone is always interested in their stuff and thoughts
  • anthro
  • furries
  • people who rely on Wikipedia too much
  • people who think that they're good at drawing when they only re-draw something that some famous artist has drawn once
  • people who say "you're so good at drawing!!11!!!" to those people
  • hypocrites
  • and myself for being one so often
  • people who think that they know everything
  • myself for making a stupid list like this
Ja joo, ennen kuin joku tulee ja sanoo jotain "miten voit vihata tota ja tota ja..", lähes noihin kaikkiin on poikkeuksensa enkä ole ihan 100% tosissani tämän kanssa. Että älkää kukaan närkästykö tästä please.

Kyu#076Luonut: KyuTiistai 02.06.2009 04:41

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