

Käyntejä: 790
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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »
What is left
From the cold sky and horizon?
Tainted spirit within ourselves

What is left
From burnt ground and forests?
When definition of human becomes higher self

Through the stone and ice
We push ourselves through
To achieve, to prosper with riches
We create as we speak

Due to the laws and prosperity
Human life is no longer relevant
Define life and death as the will of God
Even when a man dies in pain, hunger and misery

Bid your farewell, your valediction
To the weaker minded herds
Swear loyalty to yourself and Satan
Open your eyes to your true nature

What is a human to tell the difference
To put itself into the center
The crowned man of species
Of the weak animal race

Aknowledge your weakness
No longer live behind the wall of mist
This is the fall of christian oppression
This is The Manifest of the Creation

IsthariumObizeth - Archaic NethernessLuonut: IsthariumKeskiviikko 19.06.2013 21:03

Down below, beings with masks
Enslaved kings, immoral souls
Those who embraced the false
In the darkness their voices repeat

The same, soothing prayer
Which dragged them into damnation

The prayers live as a drug
Which creates illusions
Spreading the pestilence
In the inner core

Summoning the hope
With spineless faith
In their eyes they can only see
A bare reflection of vanity

The mirror of past
Standing there broken
No God, creation nor human
Can see through its pieces
Stubborn human race
With the weakest will created

And so history repeats itself
Still humans depend on words

The truth is not to be accepted
Nor is it to be avoided
Some live in denial
Some in chosen delusion
There are beings wise enough
To be aware of the deceit

The reflection of the light
What shines through my body
The glimpse of my world
Where I was used to live
Skies, burning horizons
World changing its form
Downfall of thou lives
And all wither in sin

The dreams, my nightmare
Perils my reality, life overdosed
Thou follow my footsteps in seduction
And thou shalt wither in sin

Moribund stars falling apart
In my intoxication
Where everything is pious
And sick like a leper
Where enigmas are eternal
And all wither in sin

I am an ember that keeps ashening
The smoke that keeps fading away
Corpse that keeps rotting
But never cease to exist
Nailing my essence on a cross
River of my blood never stops flowing

It makes no issue anymore
It is too late, I couldn't go away
I am dying in persistent way
While you all wither in sin

IsthariumObizeth - AnovaLuonut: IsthariumMaanantai 20.05.2013 04:07

Pelossa sinä minua katsot
Polvet maata vasten hakattuina
Kyyneliä lasket, kun se virtaa
Läpi kuivan, elottoman maan
Kipu on harhaa ja kaikki muukin
Todellinen olet vasta, kun luovutat
Olet kuin tieto muinainen, kauan kuollut
Joka ei osaa päästää irti itsestään

Eteen polvistuit Jumalan patsaan
Marmorista tehty, ruosteesta muodoton
Katsot mitä hän kumartaa
Edessäs' seisoo hahmo vapaan olennon
Saatana on edelläkävijä, minun jälkeeni
Jumalan patsaat kumartaen meitä
Jumala autuutensa selkänahastas riisti
Kirottu Jehova, tunne minun vihani

Silkkiviittansa tahrittu orjiensa syljellä
Hänen lapsensa sairaana piirissä makaa
Lausuen vaikeroiden Hänelle rukousta, lohtua
Jonka lopuksi jokainen päällensä oksentaa

Minä loin Hänet näyttämään ihmisen virheet
Jota lampaat seuraavat ja tuhoon tuomitaan
Antamaan suunnan, jota välttää
Mutta hänet valtaistuimelle nostitte

Siinä istut, ihmisraunio
Kädessäs risti, joka kosketuksestas murenee
Oh, this air... This landscape... This misery and cry
Damned cold winds and northern nightsky silent
The stars upon us, just right distance away from us
And the Moon, makes this snow sparkle in my eyes

Make it more, make it more Moment of Cult
Make it more like the Moment of Cult

Ave Luna! Ave Lux! Ave Mortem!
The Moon enchants this night incentive
Mortals sings along the hymns of pagans
Speaking in tongues and dying for their believes

Feel the the winds on your skin, feel the convulsion
Let the snow drive your mind to madness by its shine
This ritual is your small world and real solution
When you feel the cold hand of Death, it's the fine

Make it more, make it more Moment of Cult
Make it more like the Moment of Cult

Breath this deadly air, feel the kiss of frozen queen
This invisible blizzard, shadows of thy nightmare
The light blinds your eyes like you've never awakened
Remind the past of thee, let the blood cease flowing in your veins

Chains of wisdom will now fracture, it happens when you die
The wisdom reveals only, when soul begins to wander
This cult is only way to wisdom, to eternal knowledge
The toll of wisdom is death, complete freedom of awareness

Candles are lighted, torches are ablazing its beauty
The last touch of heat, so insane intensity
Pagans shall sing their last hymns for their northern stars
Last night of the cult, cult of wisdom and awareness
Now the last breath... The body will flow... The soul wanders
To its beloved destination... The wisdom...
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »