

Elämänkatsomus ja filosofia
Käyntejä: 1 967 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
26 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 7 (27 %)
Poikia: 19 (73 %)
31,5 vuotta
Otos: 14 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 34,4 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 29,9 vuotta

Jäsenet (26)

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Pocahontas66hahaha owned!Luonut: Pocahontas66Torstai 26.06.2014 06:51

1.Youngsters must abstain their selves from ungrateful questionings on the mandates of the government. Instead, they (the youngsters) have to dedicate their lives in studies, work and the army.
2.Youngsters have to learn how to think and act like the mass. It’s a crime to think as individuals!
3. "If the missiles had stayed (in Cuba), we would have used them against USA's own heart, including New York. We must never stablish a peaceful coexistence. In this fight of death between two sistems we have to survive until the final victory. We have to walk on the path of liberation even if it costs millions of victims due to atomic weapons" (Guevara supported Fidel Castro confrontation against USA with nuclear weapons in 1962)
4. "All Newspapers have to be eliminated. A revolution can't be done with freedom of speech"
5. "To Execute men by firing squad, the judicial trials are unnecessary. These procedures are an archaic burgeois detail. This is a revolution! and a revolutionary must become un a cold hearted killing machine motivated by pure hutred"
6. "Hatred is the main element in our fight!. That hatred which is so violent that drags the human being far beyond its natural boundaries, transforming the human into a violent and cold blooded killing machine. Our soldiers must be like this"
7. "The niggars, those magnificent African specimens who had preserve their racial pureness thanks to the lack of hygiene; they had seen their money taken by a new slave specimen: the Portuguese. The disdain and poorness join them together in the daily struggle, but the way to face life separate them completely”.
8. “The indolent and dreamy nigger spends his pennies on any frivolity or booze to get drunk with, the European has a working and sparing tradition that follows him/her until this corner of America and motivates him/her to progress, regardless of his/her own individual aspirations”
9. Guevara telling the story about how he killed a man named Eutimio: “I ended the problem shooting at him on his right temple with a 32. He gagged a while and died. When I proceeded to steal his belongings I couldn’t take off his watch which was tight with a chain to the belt, then he said with a voice unshaken fearless voice ‘take it, boy, I don’t care…’ I did that and his belongings became mine”. Subsequently Guevara would write on his journey: “ killing a human being is something ugly, but educating. From now on, nobody here will call me again the tooth puller of the guerilla”
10. Guevera on that same murder: “I have to confess you father, in that moment I realized I really like to kill”
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