
What would YOU do....Lauantai 26.05.2007 00:22

What would you do if?

What would you do if?
The President of the United States called you:
I'd be, VERY confused.

You won the lottery:
I'd die of shock I think. I dont play lotto.

You got invited to be on a reality TV show:
Tell the people "No thanks"

You caught a friend stealing from you:
I'd be pretty broken hearted.

You witnessed a murder:
I'd call the police

A random stranger offered you candy:
See what said candy was.

MySpace and Facebook closed:
Find somewhere else to waste my time.

A genie granted you one wish:
that's easy! I'd wish for everything to be perfect.

You lost your favorite possession:
I'd cry my eyes out.

You found 10 dollars on the ground:
leg it to the bureau de change, sharpish :D

Your date throws up on you:
I'd make him feel VERY small.

Someone cuts off a chunk of your hair:
Laugh and stab them with their scissors?

Your favorite celebrity comes to visit you:
Don full protective clothing due to my allergies :)

You were stranded on an island with nothing but the ability to make one phone call:
Call mum on her mobile, which would log the location where I was calling from, and then the peope would come and find me :D

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