


Don't be cool. Cool is not cool.

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Observe.Torstai 05.01.2012 23:57

Pakollista quotelemista tässä nyt hiukan 8DD

Girl: They wouldn't let us see Granddad when he was dead. Is that cos he'd gone to heaven?
Sherlock: People don't really go to heaven when they die. They're taking to a special room and burned.




Adler: Somebody loves you.

John: tumblr_lx54albzXG1qcy27zo2_250.gif

Adler: Well, if I had to punch that face I would avoid your nose and teeth too.

John: tumblr_lx54albzXG1qcy27zo4_250.gif

Benny = Uusi Star Trek Villain (!!!!!!SUCH FUN!!!!!!!!)


Pakollinen loppulainaus: "Tell us about Rupert Graves." Anyone? Anyone?

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