
[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 29.06.2009 04:51

Your world is my world
And my fight is your fight
My breath is your breath
And your heart (I got my)

You're my one love
My one heart
My one life for sure
Let me tell you one time (boy I love, boy I love you)
I'm a tell you one time (boy I love, boy I love you)
And I'm gonna be your one girl
You'll be my #1 boy always making time for you
I'm gonna tell you one time (boy I love, boy I love you)
I'm gonna tell you one time (boy I love, boy I love you)

You look so deep
You know that it humbles me
Your by my side and troubles them don't trouble me
Many have called but the chosen is you
Whatever you want shorty I'll give it to you.

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