


it's like when you're in a two places at the same time..

nimeä en keksiny..Maanantai 02.03.2009 21:00

i can't help it when you're not here
i can't help it that i'm freezen when i can't see you face..
i love you it's so simply and still it's so hard
i always mess up with you and still i'm yeah i'm fall in love to you
i miss you when you are somewhere else
i need you and it's so simpy and still so hard

i love you don't you know
i love you and i just wanna tell you that

skye is below when you are here
it's nothing else is just you and me
and if i have to let you go
i kill my self i swear i do

how can i prove
that you are most important to
me than anyone
how can i tell that i love you most
and nobody else can
love you like i do and i wanna
prove that i'm fall in love to you
it's so simply and still so hard



yeah oh oh

how can i prove tell me how can i prove baby
i have to know how can i prove that i love you!


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