


Another day, another life

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New Week, New ThingsMaanantai 25.01.2010 13:48

A new week has begun. Was up early today. Took a long shower and planned my day. Was in at the office at around six, totally empty of course. But got a lot of done before anyone else got in, so planning on leaving early today to do some shopping. I really don't like to shop, until I am at the actual stores. Then I find it quite fun, but always end up buying stuff I really don't need.

Had a fun incident friday evning. Was going home on the train and was taking it easy and reading my book. Suddenly the person next to me gets a call and answers. Took me a while to realise that she was speaking in finnish. Of course it's not polite to listen in, but some things you can't but help to overhear. The girl was a bit, how you say, open in what she was discussing with the other person and had to bite my tounge not to laugh. Before I got off I got a call, answered the phone with my name, and Joni is not really a name that can be misstaken to be from somewhere else.

She became very quiet then and when I got up to get off the train later she almost looked like she wanted to say something, so I just gave her a smile and got off.

Music for the day:

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