
hey, let's move to never-neverlandTiistai 01.08.2006 06:29

hey, let's move to never-neverland
where the sun is shining warmly
where birds are singing softly
where bees never sting
where anyone'll never cling
to wrong people

hey, let's move to never-neverland
where worries don't excist
where there's nothing to resist
where our money's always enough
where anyone can be fucked
with no strings attached

hey, let's move to never-neverland
where no one ever gets hurt
where no one has to go to work
where the food always tastes good
where we're always in a good mood
without having to be fearful

hey, let's move to never-neverland
where we'll never grow old
where men'll never be bald
where future's not important
where the present's all we got
and the time isn't going fast

hey, let's move there, shall we?

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