
written by katri-95Lauantai 14.10.2006 01:51

When Sally met Ally

It was a rainy day, when they met. They immediately liked each other. Sally was twelve years old, the same age as Ally. Sally had a small nose, eyes as blue as the sky, and she was fair-haired. Ally had a pretty nose, and her eyes were as green as grass. Her hair was as brown as chocolate. So, they met after school, in the park near by.
Sally was walking, she walked really peacefully. The clouds were dark, but she didn't care. She was having a great time. But then, still quite far away from the park, Ally decided to go to the park. When she had half of the way to go, it started raining. But it wasn't raining men, like they say in the song. "It's raining men, hallelujah! It's raining men" (Yeah, really funny, ha ha) Okay, it was raining just water, or something. But not men, that's for sure. Ally drove in the ditch, but it was a pure accident. She was cycling to the park, if I didn't mention it. Sally noticed Ally, and pulled her out from the ditch. - Thanks, really great I don't even know how to cycle anymore! - You're welcome. Who are you, and are you okay? Sally asked. - I am Ally, and gladly I'm just fine. - O.K., well my name is Sally. - Really? Then our names fit together fantastically! Said Ally, she thought that was exiting. - Hey you're right, but here is raining quite hard. Maybe we should go home; we're going to get ill by being here.
- Is your home closer, then mine? Ally asked. - It probably is, you can come and visit me. Now you have a extraordinary...

ja kirjailija on 11vee, eikä niillä oo ollu koulussa vielä edes epäsäännöllisiä verbejä. tämä vain vahvistaa mun uskoa siitä, että me kolme ekaa ollaan oltu vain harjoituskappaleita, jotta tästä viimesestä saatiin luotua valioyksilö. oon ehkä maailman ylpein isosisko.

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