


Naapurin namusetä. ;)

Swallow The Sun-Hold This WoeLauantai 09.06.2007 18:41

Please don't guide me again
Could you just leave me here?
IÂ’ll bury these wounds with you
I'll be gone the nightfall

The Shadow has come and then you're leaving coldness here
ItÂ’s getting darker now, the night is drawing closer my dear

To writhe...
I feel your sufferingÂ…to writhe
I hear your sufferingÂ…to writhe
I found my sufferingÂ…Tonight

You stop to close his eyes
Just to recognize his pain
There is a way out of here
A gate to feel you near

Why do you laugh to torture me?
Cut me open and leave me for dead
And run away
[sounds like "on the properties"]
You disappear from me again

I can feel warm back there
As I taste the dove, oh it hurts
I am going to hold this woe
Its time to kneel, IÂ’m so alone

To writhe....
I feel your sufferingÂ…to writhe
I hear your sufferingÂ…to writhe
I found my sufferingÂ…Tonight

You stop to close his eyes
Just to recognize his pain
There is a way out of here
A gate to feel you near

Why do you laugh to torture me?
Cut me open and leave me for dead
And run away
[sounds like "on the properties"]
You disappear from me again

To writheÂ…
I feel your sufferingÂ…to writhe
I hear your sufferingÂ…to writhe
I found my sufferingÂ…Tonight

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