


Miss Arthur Pendragon

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 07.03.2006 23:36

Is my imagination running away
Or is all this really happening to me
Am I a prince in a far away land filled with fantasy

Where is reality and what are the actions that will define who I am?
I am holding onto the visions I've seen of what I could be
It's what I should be

More than it seems these dreams insideBlur reality's line
If I could believe the dreams aside
I am capable more than it seems

Passing through darkness into my own world
Will I be more than when I left
Never letting go of the lessens I learned
This will make a change
A change within me

More than it seems these dreams inside
Blur reality's line
If I could believe the dreams aside
I am capable more than it seems

This time I won't run away
I found the strength to face life's long days
This time I won't run away

More than it seems <3

Kyllä, mun on pakko uusia tää taas. hansuliisa sai taas tän mieleen :D

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