


muokkaa tilaansa varmasti mutta hitaasti

A Metal QuizSunnuntai 20.04.2008 05:33

Kopioin tämän kyselyn itsensä Trollhornin myspace-profiilista, enkä viitsi vastata suomeksi englanniksi esitettyihin kysymyksiin puhumattakaan, että jaksaisin alkaa kääntää kysymyksiä suomeksi sitä varten.

1. What's the first album you bought?
Roxette - Don't Bore Us - Get to the Chorus

2. What's the last album you bought?
Dimmu Borgir - In Sorte Diaboli

3. What is the first concert you went to?
Nightwish in Lutakko 2000 (before that there were only Iskelmä-artists like Jari Sillanpää in Kauhavan Juhannus 1997)

4. What is the last concert you went to?
Impaled Nazarene, Dark Tranquillity and a couple of other bands in Seinäjoki FMF about an hour ago. :D

5. How many CDs do you own?
Only about 30.

6. What CD is currently in your player?
I guess there's none. :I

7. CDs, MP3s, records, or tapes?

8. What song has been stuck in your head lately?
Catamenia - Verikansa

9. What is your favorite band you've only recently heard of?

10. What is your favorite band?
Check out my profile and Musiikki-section.

11. What was your favorite band in 5th grade?

13. What was your favorite band in 9th grade?
Nightwish and Stratovarius

14. What was your favorite band in 11th grad?
Nightwish, Emperor, Thy Serpent and so on

15. What is your favorite song?
Impossible question but let's say Strapping Young Lad - Possessions this time.

15. What is your favorite album?
Anorexia Nervosa - Redemption Process (there are a lot of other marvelous albums that'd deserve to be mentioned)

16. What is your favorite genre of music?
Almost all kinds and variations of metal, trance, dance, jazz...everything that sounds swell!

17. Do you like Anal Cunt?
Never listened to.

18. Do you like Hilary Duff?
Can't recall the look. :P

19. What is your favorite concert you've been to?
Dream Theater with Symphony X in Helsingin Jäähalli in 2007.

20. What music do you fall asleep to?
It's impossible to me to get sleep when listening to music. In fact I've never tried to...

21. What music pumps you up?
All the favourites but let's mention Lamb of God, Carpathian Forest and many trance artists for instance.

22. What's the most sad song you've ever heard?
Yö - Joutsenlaulu :[

23. What's the happiest song you've ever heard?
Umm...a christmas carol composed by my friend Aki. :)

24. Have you ever played Dance Dance Revolution?
Can't be sure, probably yes.

25. Have you ever played Guitar Hero?
I've tried once and I sucked big time...

26. Have you ever played Donkey Kong?
I'm thoroughly embarassed to admit but I haven't even tried...

27. Who is your most hated band?
I don't like Finnish popbands that much. Mamba, Disco, Yö, Eppu Normaali, Dingo...

28. What is your most hated song?
Nah, to hate is so strong expression...I just don't like so much those songs that keep playing constantly in radio after 78493 years. I was made for loving you baby, I wanna rock, Still loving you, Holy diver and so on...

29. What is your most hated concert you have seen?

30. Have you ever seen your favorite band live in concert?
Yes, several of 'em! Dream Theater, Symphony X, Slayer, Ajattara, Finntroll, Impaled Nazarene...

31. What's the weirdest band you like?
I like many artists that aren't weird in their own genres but in contrary to all those metal bands I admire Gorillaz, E-Rotic, 666 and stuff like that might sound weird. :D

32. What's your favorite band that starts with the letter M?

33. What's your favorite band that starts with the letter A?
Anorexia Nervosa

34. What's your favorite band that starts with the letter F?

35. What's your favorite band that starts with the letter R?
Raised Fist

36. Do you think its ok to have more than one favorite band?
Is it ok to wear more than one pair of socks?

37. What is your best friend's favorite band?
I assume that almost all of my best friends like Nightwish.

38. Do you and your friends like the same music?
Not, talking about BM and stuff but many of them like electronic music.

39. Do you like crunk rap?

40. Do you like black metal?
And the earth is like a pancake?

41. Do you like bluegrass?
What the heck is that?

42. Are you going to any concerts soon?
There's Moonsorrow's gig coming in next month and I'm really looking forward to it!

43. Who do you want to see in concert the most?
The one who's planning to come there with me (and it'd be a sumptuous surprise if Trollhorn was playing with the other guys)

44. What is your favorite CD that came out this year?
I assume I've listened no CDs that've been released this year.

45. What CD are you most looking forward to this year?
Currently the new album of Opeth which is FINALLY planned to be released in summer or autumn. Let's see if there are other good bands releasing new material in this year.

46. What song would you use to woo the opposite sex?
I don't come up with anything...

47. What song do you like to dance to?
Anything will do if I'm wasted enough.

48. What song do you like to rock out to?
Ella ja Aleksi - Ripu Rapu

49. One more time, what's your favorite band?

50. Now tell us why they are your favorite band!
She has kinda sick hooters!

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