


Are you saying we should start annoying other people?

Buffy QuotesKeskiviikko 25.10.2006 22:21

Buffy and Angel are talking about Buffys relationship with Spike

A: Are you in love with him? Okey, mayby I am out of line. This is kind of a curveball for me... We are talking about Spike here.

B: It's different... He is different... He has a soul now.

A: Oh, well...

B: What?

A: That's great. Everyone's got a soul now...

B: He'll make a difference.

A: You know, I started it. The whole having a soul...
Before it was all the cool new thing.

B: Oh my God, are you twelve?!

A: I'm getting a brushoff for Captain Peroxide.
Doesn't nessiceraly bring out the campion in me.

B: You're not getting the brushoff... Are you just gonna come here and go
all Dawson on me everytime I have a boyfriend?!

A: Aha! Boyfriend!

B: He's not. But... He is in my heart.

A: That'll end well...

B: What was the highlight of our relationship?
When you broke up with me or when I killed you?

B-E-A-utiful :DD

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