


Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage

notice for those who hungersMaanantai 12.10.2009 22:39

that I have been gone from here has multiple reasons, as well as that why I hath been so freakin' silent. none has been forgotten I just been resting. now waiting for hallo-fuckin-ween! trip to harjavalta-pori-harjavalta in plan! ;D

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 06.10.2009 01:17

Life is the greatest comedy, so full of pain and sorrowful choices. What could bring more joy in this sick modern life? Turn thy back and instead of knife, there might be spoon struck in your back

fuckers!! \,,/,Keskiviikko 16.09.2009 00:30

so this is it?
end of glorious tale?
drinking last drop of this ale,
before disappearing?
everything been told,
seems no place to be here
to be as good as suicide?
to let blades 'come dull,
and finaly rest everything undone?

I think not, it shall be mine >8)

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 12.08.2009 21:51

kysymys teille kaikille, mitä helvettiä? kiitos

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 26.07.2009 21:37

mahdollisesti tarinaa vois kirjoittaa kuukauden tapahtumista... ehkäpä teenkin sen jahka jaksan =D nyrkillä tapettava huora kuittaa, palatkaamme

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 09.06.2009 22:21

fearing the day when I dream
truly fearing the day when
I cut the grain from fields
as no one to die
wish I no more

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 03.06.2009 21:00

seon sillai että kun isto saapunee maanantaina, niin kypärä tärisee seuraavan viikon. ja naapurit ei muuten nuku. nyt kun kirjoittelen tänne taas jotain paskaa... vois jatkaa... mutta ei hätä tämä! jaan siis isku repliikkejä!

1) "pedofiili äänellä" saanko räplätä sun pentagrammia?

2) saanko koittaa tylppää vasaraa suhun?

3) ei ton kaa juhli, mun kaa juhlii vaikka väkisin!

ja näitä noudattaen minä suksin vittuun -> .......................................väärä suunta

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 03.06.2009 16:01

sain eilen tietää olevani rastafari black metal dari.. kiitos norjalaisen pakana ystäväni 8D
eli muuttuuko hippigoottiblondi nyt sitten rastafariblackblondiksi?

Not an another lovesongKeskiviikko 27.05.2009 13:23

why must I witness same sight everyday
hypocritic men and women alike
it's sad really, when lie rules the life
never really knowing should ever trust
as doublefaced knife is sure to fall

Following own moral code of honor
seems holding value equal none
trying my best to be cliff to comfort
instead suicidestand I've felt
misunderstanded to core
filled with rage and filth
just still nothing in eyes of world

Unspoken words flies in air
as I dare not to say them all
who are you instead I want to ask
an puppet or puppeteer?
lover or loveless?
hater or hatebreeder?
innocent nor guilty your
kind words of happiness and trust,
all an sight of hypocrisy I've seen

And what am I supposed to say?
no-one ever listens anyway..

© Dari Glabrezu

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 26.05.2009 00:52

And so, if granted might over everything
this world has seen
to rise as god over you all
to bend nature in my whim I would
seas to rise unnaturally
mountains to collapse
and everything would be set in flames
whole world burning in my feets
even me in those wicked flames
as so high is my hatred towards this world