Like hands of fate it all seem'd
beautiful golden string of light
it all seemed to be
remember how we met
under darkened eve
surrounded by noises
I watched your face in dark
emitting strange light so shy
I was curious to know
your soul so scarred yet
beautiful in front my eyes
I still recall all the warnings
of your evil I never witness'd
you took my hand in yours
together leaving away
to corner of our own
waking to next day..
remember you came to me
crying out loud
afraid of all, yearning for strength?
I never knowed
did you have it?
remember that roadtrip?
when we went to do shopping
you were so excited
and for once I thought
this is good to stay
live together sharing it all
perhaps I would stay?
never having the chance..
recall the halloween?
we put up so much
on what we look
vampiric devilitry in minds
I was so proud of you
I just wanted to hold you
and say it, why I didn't..
remember our last night?
never hath I felt such warmth
there was nothing to be afraid
be one and whole at last
for time so last..
recall the last day?
you were surrounded by all
holded tears and smiles so warm
remember that fire we did?
I never forget the pain
when I saw you the last time
we walked so short path
so full of joy, like a dream
neverminding all the warnings
I wanted to stay by you
even after your mistake but
you were taken away from me
I don't know what to say
this all seem'd be part of wheel
wheel of fate so wide
I saw the warnings
why didn't I tell you?
heard dream so cruel
now you are gone
and what's left is none
chosen act of faith
this seems to be
an farewell hymn
for you and me
tho I dream
you to comfort
I know better
tho it hurts so much
just to admit it
it has to be
meant to be
we're meant to be
you have to go away
I don't know why
but shadows are calling
strange twist this is
perhaps we meet more closely
sometime in somewhere..
we might be one
alone with our sins
gone from all this dark
never to be afraid
but I am sorry..
this is farewell hymn
I must remain is shades
you must go on..
away from me
I will always be here
hidden away from light
drowing in my sins
cold and dreaming
© Dari Glabrezu